
Book review: Children’s books

Lauren O'Connor-May|Published

Reviews: Lauren O’Connor-May

Ben Goes to School

Zuleka Smit


In this sweet, simple book Ben is helped by his parents and his love of music to overcome new school jitters.

This is a story about loneliness and making friends.

Despite its simplicity, this book became a quick favourite at our home.

Who Ate Steve?

Susannah Lloyd

Nosy Crow

In Who Ate Steve?, a hapless narrator tries their best to teach children about “big” and “small” but the mischievous animal volunteers keep eating each other.

This book comes with a free Stories Aloud download which plays an audio recording of the book and had my kids giggling all over the place.


Not-so-Little Red Riding Hood

Michael Rosen


This topsy-turvy retelling of Little Red Riding Hood gives the story lots of twists.

Red Riding Hood is not so little anymore and when she repeats the journey to grandma’s house she remembers her first misadventure and avoids the mistakes of before.

This is a book of surprises, many of them funny.

Two People Can

Blessing Musariri

Kumusha Books

In this book about grieving, Shingai acts out because he misses his suddenly absent father. As he and his mother navigate their new fatherless landscape, they grieve together and learn how to cope without their dearly missed loved one.

The first thing my children asked after reading this book was did Shingai’s father die or leave? The book doesn’t say but leaves the question deliberately open-ended.

Rubble’s Toolbox


Rubble from Paw Patrol and his friends — who are not the other beloved characters from the cartoon show — have to use the loveable bulldog’s toolkit to finish an important but unspecified construction job. The only problem is Rubble’s tools are hidden on the pages.

Designed for toddlers, this book is ideal for Paw Patrol fans who like spot-it games.