Theatre legends Andrew Buckland and Sylvaine Strike star in Firefly. PICTURE: Nardus Engelbrecht
A passionate tale of moon-crossed love, betrayal, revenge, and desire is told by Andrew Buckland and Sylvaine Strike in Firefly at Pieter Toerien's Theatre On the Bay until Saturday May 13.
In the remote village of Bucket’s End, nestled high in the mountains upstream from the disappearing river, Ferine and Ferase manifest their love by delighting in their masterful telling of the story of two ill-fated lovers whose forbidden love is ignited by full moons and fireflies.
The show is directed by Toni Morkel and accompanied on piano by Tony Bentel.
Firefly is Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8pm, with a 3pm matinee on Saturday May 13. There is an age restriction of 10. Tickets range from R150 to R250 through Webtickets.