Ashley Dowds takes on the role of Eddie du Pisanie. PICTURE: Keaton Ditchfield
Paul Slabolepszy’s hit play, The Return Of Elvis Du Pisanie, starring Ashley Dowds, comes to Theatre On The Bay from Thursday May 30 until Saturday June 15.
Eddie du Pisanie (Ashley Dowds), a 46- year-old East Rand salesman, is retrenched and decides life is no longer worth living. He writes a suicide note to his wife and is about to gas himself in his car in the garage, when he switches on the car radio. The Elvis Presley song he hears does more than take him back 30 years, it recalls an event in his childhood that changed his life forever.
The heartfelt story moves from pure nostalgia, through extreme heartache, to unbridled joy.
The play carries an age restriction of PG13, and runs for approximately 70 minutes, without an interval.
Tickets range from R180 to R220, and are available from Webtickets or 021 438 3301.