
Mayor announces his new committee

Staff Reporter|Published

Standing, back from left, are James Vos: Economic Growth; Dr Zahid Badroodien: Water and Waste; Patricia van der Ross: Community Services and Health; Grant Twigg: Urban Management; Roberto Quintas: Urban Mobility (Roads and Transport); Siseko Mbandezi: Finance; Malusi Booi: Human Settlements; JP Smith; Safety and Security.And, in front, from left, are Desiree Visagie: Chief Whip; Felicity Purchase: Speaker; Geordin Hill-Lewis: Mayor; Eddie Andrews: Deputy Mayor; Theresa Uys: Corporate Services; Beverley van Reenen: Energy.

Cape Town’s new - and youngest - mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis this week announced his mayoral committee, which includes a couple of new faces.

“After much thought and consultation, I am confident the team announced today will deliver on the vision we put forward to the voters of Cape Town, and which I set out in my inauguration speech last week,” he said.

"As with the mayoralty, selection as a mayoral committee member is a distinct privilege. It comes with great power to improve people’s lives in meaningful ways. It is a job that should be undertaken with reverence and with absolute dedication.“

The Team

“The mayoral committee team is announced based on the current structure of directorates. We will take proposals for changes to this structure to council soon, and these portfolios will then change accordingly,“ Mr Hill-Lewis commented. He talks us through his choices:

Deputy Mayor Eddie Andrews: Spatial Planning and Environment

A new entrant, Deputy Mayor Eddie Andrews will assume responsibility for the Spatial Planning and Environment portfolio. With experience as a successful ward councillor in Mitchell’s Plain, as sub-council chairman and portfolio committee chairman, he has insight into the planning challenges and opportunities in the City. He also now has a clear mandate to resolve the planning bottlenecks that persist in the city’s planning process.

Theresa Uys: Corporate Services

An entrepreneur and a person of enormous competence and leadership, Theresa Uys is appointed as a new mayoral committee member for corporate services.

Dr Zahid Badroodien: Water and Waste

A medical doctor whose quiet diligence and commitment to detail earned him praise in his previous portfolio, Dr Zahid Badroodien is well suited to lead our service improvement efforts in water and sanitation. He is appointed as mayoral committee member for water and waste.

Malusi Booi: Human Settlements

With a clear mandate to break the cycle of poverty by delivering title deeds, and to deliver a pipeline of public land for more affordable housing for Capetonians, Malusi Booi is appointed as mayoral committee member for human settlements.

Patricia van der Ross: Community Services and Health

With enormous energy and a track record of effective leadership wherever she has served, and another new entrant, Patricia van der Ross is appointed as mayoral committee member for community services and health.

JP Smith: Safety and Security

With unparalleled experience and deep commitment to safer communities, JP Smith is appointed as the mayoral committee member for safety and security.

Roberto Quintas: Urban Mobility

A recent entrant to the mayoral committee just 11 weeks ago, with a clear mandate to restore the N2 Express and Mitchell’s Plain link on the MyCiti bus system, and to deliver a multi-billion rand MyCiti expansion, Roberto Quintas is appointed as mayoral committee member for urban mobility covering the roads and transport directorate.

Grant Twigg: Urban Management

With depth of experience in urban place making and precinct management, and with a can-do attitude to any service delivery challenge, Grant Twigg is appointed mayoral committee member for urban management.

James Vos: Economic Growth

With prodigious work ethic and energy, and a clear commitment to make Cape Town both the easiest place to do business and the premier investment destination on the African continent, James Vos is appointed as the mayoral committee member for economic growth.

Siseko Mbandezi: Finance

Another new entrant, with experience as previous chairperson of the portfolio committee on finance, Siseko Mbandezi is appointed mayoral committee member for finance.

Beverley van Reenen: Energy

Another new entrant, with the exciting task of working to end load-shedding in Cape Town over time, with a track record of successful organisation and drive, Beverley van Reenen is appointed as mayoral committee member for energy.

Desiree Visagie: Chief Whip

Finally, with a mandate to uphold the highest standards and values, and to ensure the smooth functioning of council and caucus, my nominee for chief whip is Desiree Visagie.