Gospel singer Vanessa Kalala’s debut single is available on all streaming platforms.
Gospel singer Vanessa Kalala has released her debut single Your Love, which she hopes will remind people of God’s unconditional love.
Ms Kalala has been a singer and songwriter for most of her life. Her love for music began at church where she also led the praise and worship.
“I'd write music during my free time and voice-record whenever inspiration struck. I’d also sing at concerts and events,” Ms Kalala said.
“I soon realised that this was my passion and proceeded to study music and pneumatics at Stellenbosch University,” she said.
Her debut single Your Love was produced by her close friend, Patient Ngoy and was released on Thursday September 21 on all streaming platforms.
The Goodwood singer says she was inspired to write the song as a testimony for God’s love.
“I have seen the greatness of God's love in my life and I can testify that His love knows no end. With all the ups and downs in my life and how I am still able to come out victorious proves His love for me,” she said.
The singer says the flow of ideas that came to mind when writing the song was the most memorable moment for her.
“There is much that can be written about the love of God, that I can't tell it all,” she said.
“Bringing life to the lyrics in my notepad at the studio and hearing the words sung out loud with instruments accompanying, was the most thrilling experience,” she said.
She hopes the message people take away from listening to the song is that “the unconditional love of God that chases after us, reaches down to us at our lowest point.”