
Cape Town street parade vibes 2024

fuad Esack|Published

Members of Bonteheuwel’s Cape Town Hawkers go through their paces down Darling Street in Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade. Picture: Fuad Esack

Pictured are some of the colourful scenes from Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade in the CBD.

Members of Bonteheuwel’s Cape Town Hawkers go through their paces down Darling Street in Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade. Picture: Fuad Esack
West London All Stars members Mukhtaar Abrahams and Shafee Ulla Ganief looking dapper in matching gear, following their team’s march. Picture: Fuad Esack
Cape Town Hawkers’ Wafeeq Alexander Justin van den Broek, Ryan Fransman and Mustaqeem Petersen gather for a group picture during a short break in Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” proceedings. Picture: Fuad Esack
Philadelphians’ Saaid Orrie and the rest of the troupe from Grassy Park make their way past City Hall during Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade. Picture: Fuad Esack
Mitchell’s Plain Young Tycoons troupe members go as low as they can go during Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade in the CBD. Picture: Fuad Esack
Cape Town Hawkers’ Natasha Baartman and Alethea Davids are all smiles during Tuesday’s street parade in the city centre. Picture: Fuad Esack
A young Hawkers troupe member follow the drummies in Tuesday’s street parade. Picture: Fuad Esack
Philadelphians from Grassy Park was among the last troupes to take to the street in Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade. Picture: Fuad Esack
A Phillies troupe member and the rest of his squad make their way past City Hall. Picture: Fuad Esack
Mitchell’s Plain Young Tycoons troupe members entertain the crowd during Tuesday’s “Tweede Nuwe Jaar” street parade in the CBD. Picture: Fuad Esack
Cape Town Hawkers’ Natasha Baartman during Tuesday’s street parade in the city. Picture: Fuad Esack
Cape Town Hawkers’ “voorloepertjie” demonstrating his balancing act and fancy footwork. Picture: Fuad Esack
A Cape Town Hawkers troupe member display a little bit of club history during his team’s turn in front of City Hall. Picture: Fuad Esack