Deputy Minister of Human Settlements Thandi Mahambehlala handing over blankets to seniors of Crossroads.
Deputy Minister of Human Settlements Thandi Mahambehlala spent hours on the road on her birthday last Thursday, January 17, to help the elderly and vulnerable in her community.
The Deputy Minister said she chose to help people in need rather than throw a party for herself.
On the day she also shared a birthday cake with the seniors acknowledging that she was where she is because of them.
In Crossroads she handed over 200 food parcels and blankets to the happy elders of the area.
Afterwards she headed to Thembukwezi to donate two wheelchairs and supplies to the owners of a car wash.
The car wash owners Mveliso Sitshitshi and Vuyisile Mngxali were thrilled with the donation. T “We are delighted to see her on her special day coming to donate to us. She was here the other day and she promised to come back and she really did. This encourages us to work harder,” said Mr Sitshitshi.
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