Robberies and theft out of motor vehicles in the CBD are problematic crimes for authorities.
Cape Town Central community police forum (CPF) are questioning ways in which they can get safety messages to the public for better crime prevention.
This amid an increase in crime in the precinct, especially theft out of motor vehicles and robberies.
Addressing the monthly CPF meeting on Thursday March 2, chairperson Marc Truss expressed frustration, saying that he brings the same message to every meeting, however, safety tips are somehow not reaching the public, despite these being sent out via email to the mailing lists, as well as pamphlet drives by the police in hotspots.
Police reported that theft out of motor vehicles and robberies were still problematic, especially in the city centre, at transport hubs, around the club strips and at Signal Hill.
“We need to help each other and get back to the community way of thinking - eyes and ears, that's what we ask for... we just need to communicate, said Mr Truss.
“Get the word out there so we can do things together. Even if we cry wolf, that could be the one report that prevented a crime.”
He added that people are still leaving things visible inside their cars, and not being vigilant when using their cellphones outside clubs and at restaurants. These lead to opportunistic crimes, which are pushing up the crime statistics.
Cape Town Central police station commander Brigadier Marius Stander encouraged community representatives at the meeting to get crime tips and safety messages out to the public.
He said while the police are trying their best with crime prevention, the communities should work together with security authorities to help people take some responsibility for their personal safety.
“We must never paint a picture that we are not going to make it. Yes, we are concerned about the crime increase, but we are doing our best to render the services to the community.”
Some of the safety tips mentioned at the CPF meetings are:
The CPF meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Akker Hall at the Cape Town Central police station in Buitenkant Street. The meeting starts at 8am and is an open meeting.
For any issues or more information about the CPF, contact